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United States Championship A Close Look at Mid-Atlantic Wrestling's Greatest Championship

This is the long awaited follow-up to "Ten Pounds of Gold" and "Big Gold." Like those books, this book is FULL COLOR and features beautiful photography of the belts, both original and replica.

Mike Mooneyham of the Charleston Post and Courier writes "Bourne strikes gold with new book on U.S. wrestling title."

In 1975, Jim Crockett, Jr. and George Scott created the United States Heavyweight Championship for the Mid-Atlantic Wrestling territory. For the next 13 years, 21 of the the greatest names in professional wrestling, including 13 future WWE Hall-of-Famers, proudly wore one of five different title belts that represented that championship.

The list of names that held this title reads like a Who's Who: Harley Race, Johnny Valentine, Terry Funk, Paul Jones, Blackjack Mulligan, Bobo Brazil, Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat, Wahoo McDaniel, Magnum T.A., Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger, Dusty Rhodes, Barry Windham and many others.

Jim Crockett Promotions’ United States Championship explores these five classic title belts, and tells all the stories of the angles, feuds, and controversies throughout the title’s history. There were other regional U.S. championships during the territory era, but this was the biggest and the most widely recognized of them all, and it served as the historical foundation for the United States Championship recognized by the WWE today.

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