Become a PWCatalog contributor!
Throughout the database, you may find incomplete/inaccurate information, missing photos, and even missing items. We need your help filling in the blanks.
For PWCatalog to be as complete as possible, we need the wrestling community's help!
Whether you'd like to become a long-term collaborator or a one-time contributor, reach out to us. We're also looking for:
- Social media manager (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok)
- Title belts collector expert-admin (kid's belts, toys, replicas)
- T-shirts & apparel collector expert-admin
- Japanese wrestling expert-admin
- Mexican/lucha libre expert-admin
- European wrestling expert-admin
- Old-school wrestling expert-admin
- Trading cardsexpert-admin
- Video game expert-admin
Feel free to reach out to us at or fill in the below form: