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WWF Superstar Pin Brooch Crush (1991)


Line: WWF Superstar Pin Brooch

Wrestlers Included: Crush

Release Date: 1991

Made In: England

Manufacturer: Dufort and Sons Badges

Set of 19 different Wrestlers


First production 1991-1992 including 16 different Superstars

Big Bossman, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Bushwhackers, Crush, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Hulk Hogan, Legion of Doom,

Macho Man (green trousers), Mr. Perfect,  Nasty Boys (gray coats), Papa Shango, Tatanka, Ultimate Warrior, Undertaker, Yokozuna

+ Nasty Boys Variant with blue coats


Second production 1994 including 3 new Superstars

Doink, Lex Luger, Razor Ramon + Macho Man Variant with purple trousers

Also new producion of some old motives on golden plastic: Bret Hart, Crush, Tatanka


Two different backing cards:

UK: colored USA flag

German: black & white

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